Thursday, December 3, 2009

Years End

Can't believe it's already December and that 2009 is over. It seems like just yesterday when I moved back into CVB and started my 3rd year here at SJSU. I would have to say 2009 has been the most exciting year yet. Met alot of good people in my life and had lots of fun while doing so. Partying, RLXing, drinking, and so much more has also contributed to the fun. All in all these experiences helped to make my college life more enjoyable and i'm just glad i'm not one of those people who is at home all day and doesn't get a chance to actually experience life. Cheers to 2009 and let's all hope 2010 only gets better :)

on that note, i would like to bring back this throwback...does anyone remember when this picture blew up on the interwebz??


  1. lol omg! gross! i haven't seen that one but i've seen another one of the same nature lol @_@

    i swears if you're gonna wear something like that, at least trim!

    but yeahhhh time goes by fast. you're gonna be old soon!

  2. LOLLLLLLLLLL. I do remember that. Seriously ladies, if you're gonna wear something supr short AND a thong, it's just asking to be exposed.

    i'm just glad i'm not one of those people who is at home all day
    hey you take that back.
